An eater’s guide to Oregon Albacore.
Whole Albacore
Buy whole fresh albacore right from the fishermen on the dock.
Support your local Oregon fishermen in their dedication to this sustainable, hand-caught, hook and line fishery. If every Oregonian ate just one pound of local albacore a year, our entire catch and the profits would stay in Oregon. What a great way to support coastal communities and fishing families.
Frozen right after it’s caught for exceptional flavor and quality, albacore loins are delicious and gourmet.
Enjoy Oregon Albacore year-round.
Enjoy the flavor and convenience of canned albacore, prepared in small batches and cooked just once.
A nutritional powerhouse, canned Oregon Albacore tuna is filled with flavorful juices and nutrients, including the valuable Omega-3s. Find your new favorite from one of the more than 20 brands micro-canned locally.
Ditch the can opener! All the deliciousness of canned Oregon Albacore in an easy to carry pouch.
Tuna that goes everywhere you do. Look for sport packs to food -service sized options.
Rich smoky aromas and melt in your mouth texture? Yes, please.
Fans of alderwood, hickory and applewood rejoice.
Check out how Oregon’s chefs cook with albacore.
From the humble tuna salad sandwich to perfectly seared loins. Creativity abounds. #OregonAlbacore